This mini-series in The Inevitable Truth is titled “Biblical Q&A.” Here, we’ll discuss issues in a question-and-answer format as interpreted by the Bible. I invite you to suggest your question by commenting on the Q&A series posts.
Did Judas go to Heaven or Hell? - Matthew 27:3-5 records that Judas felt remorse after seeing that Jesus was condemned. Does that mean he was saved?
Is Baptism Required for Salvation? - Does the Bible ever assert that baptism is necessary for salvation?
What does the Bible say about the End of the World? - How does the world end? Or does it even end?
How Can I Tell if a Church is Biblical? - What criteria determine a biblical vs. non-biblical church?
Should Christians Rebuke Satan? - Some teach that we are to rebuke Satan. Really? What does the Bible teach?
How Do Christians Acquire More Grace? - What is grace? And how can we get more?
Why are there only eight saved in Noah’s flood? - A question much deeper than it appears. Why only eight?
When does God begin judging those who reject Him? - Treating divine reconciliation like the proverbial ‘kick the can down the road’ may be the greatest deception ever.
Should believers date unbelievers? - Can Christian believers marry non-believers? Should they even date non-believers? According to 2 Corinthians 6:14, no!
What is the unpardonable sin? - Matthew 12:31-32 makes claim to an “unpardonable sin.” What, however, is this sin that will not be forgiven?
Why do bad things happen to good people? - Bad things happen! But who’s to blame and why? And where is God in all of this?
Check back - there are more Q&A posts coming…
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I read every single one of them!
Thank you!
Thad Brown