2 Timothy 4:3: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.”
One particularly important point you made was about the church teaching in the women’s and men’s bible studies. One cannot preach one thing on Sunday and allow something unbiblical during the week. This is especially true for women's ministries.
Thank you for your insight. I believe the Statement of Beliefs that I linked to in the post would lend support to your comment as it covers all of your points.
Great points... Also one might add where that stand on Replacement Theology (that essentially teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plan.)
I should clarify my reply to your question, the restricting verse is 1 Timothy 2:12 which prohibits a women to “...teach or to assume authority over a man.” It's not what someone is called, although that would seem indicative, rather it's teaching or having authority over men in a church, that is prohibited. Other verses do support this also. Thank you again, for your question.
One particularly important point you made was about the church teaching in the women’s and men’s bible studies. One cannot preach one thing on Sunday and allow something unbiblical during the week. This is especially true for women's ministries.
Thank you for your insight. I believe the Statement of Beliefs that I linked to in the post would lend support to your comment as it covers all of your points.
Other points to consider for a sound church are:
• Where do they stand regarding Israel.
• What do they believe about the end times; ie rapture, second coming of Christ and the millennial kingdom.
Great points... Also one might add where that stand on Replacement Theology (that essentially teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God’s plan.)
Great, and I believe that's also covered in the linked statement of beliefs. Worth reading.
My church has females appointed as elders. Is that biblically accurate? (I think not, but I am not totally sure)
I should clarify my reply to your question, the restricting verse is 1 Timothy 2:12 which prohibits a women to “...teach or to assume authority over a man.” It's not what someone is called, although that would seem indicative, rather it's teaching or having authority over men in a church, that is prohibited. Other verses do support this also. Thank you again, for your question.
No, I'm afraid that not biblical. Thank you for your question.