People ask why God allows hardship and doubt His goodness and sovereignty because they have too low a view of God and too little perspective.

God cares more about our eternal well-being than our momentary comfort. We learn and grow more in hard times. We learn to put our trust in Him during hardship, not comfort. We doubt because we can't see the big picture.

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I just read a booklet "The God and the Gospel of Righteousness" by David Pawson. He points out the reason people walk away, or question their faith, when things go "wrong" is because they have only been taught God is love, an all-loving father. "What we have done in focusing on the love of God is to give people a sentimental rather than scriptural understanding of God - that he is somehow there to serve us; we are not here to serve him; he is there to keep us healthy, safe, and prosperous, in a word, happy.....Here is the first fact, and it is a surprising fact to many people: there is very little about God's love in your Bible. Direct references to God's love are few and far between. Less than one verse in a thousand mentions God's love....they had been told God loves you anyway. just as you are; God's love is unconditional...far from producing the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom, it had the opposite effect: a God who loses respect." (Reminds me of the latest ad "Jesus gets you.")

Concluding, Righteous God will one day punish and banish all the evil in this world. "There will be a new heaven and new earth wherein righteousness dwells, and we are told about that new heaven and new earth. I am looking forward to being in a world where everything is right and nothing is wrong." Me too!

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I watched the Corrie ten Boom movie the other night and was struck by the hand of Yahweh on Corrie even though tragedy struck her entire family. Her sister even prophesied she would be released before the new year and it miraculously happened on December 28 by a clerical error. Yahweh is sovereign, not us.

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I just read her book, "The Huding Place". It was so inspiring.

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